One-to-one support worker
To support a learner identified with a specific learning difficulty one to one outside of school for up to 12 hours per week with the potential for more hours in the school holidays.
HLTA or Therapy Assistant
We are looking for a higher level teaching assistant, occupational therapy assistant or speech and language therapy assistant or a newly qualified teacher for a role providing one to one support for a secondary learner with additional needs. Great role for developing skills and continuing training with support from senior colleagues and the chance to make a big contribution to an individual learner.
SLCN Teacher, Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist
All of the above is needed for the pilot scheme of a new nationwide language intervention programme.
SEN Primary Teacher
At short notice, we were asked to search urgently for a highly experienced SEN class teacher for primary aged students with complex additional needs including in relation to mental health, dyslexia, dyspraxia, social interaction and communication.
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Our team was delighted to assist in finding a supportive and capable higher level teaching assistant for a setting working with learners with complex educational needs who needed to have expertise with specific interventions and to have expertise in working with learners with trauma and complex needs.
Senior Leader
We successfully identified and placed an excellent senior teacher into this role to lead learning for sixth form age students with complex learning and health needs that have not been able to participate in learning for some time. This role involves understanding learners with complex needs, working in multi-agency teams and having a strong understanding of mental health and the dynamics of learner engagement to devise an appropriate programme to entice each learner back into their education with the right support and within the available budget.