
EOTAS - how, when and why
This webinar will talk about what Education Otherwise Than At School is and why you might consider it, when it might be or need to be an option and how you could go about it. Many more of our young people are being educated outside of traditional education settings and EOTAS can be a good way forward in certain situations. It also does not need to involve isolation for children and young people rather it can also be a way back into the world on their own terms. We will talk about how to make sure learning is of good quality and how to avoid EOTAS being another potential source of burnout for hard pressed parents and carers.

Navigating school attendance difficulties
It can be highly stressful for families to navigate challenges in school attendance and this webinar will help you to not feel alone and come up with a plan

Finding the joy when you are really busy and why it matters
Life can get crazy busy, but that doesn't mean you can't find joy in the midst of it all! In this event, we'll explore practical tips and strategies to help you embrace joy even when your schedule is packed.
Discover the importance of finding moments of happiness and how it can positively impact your well-being. Don't miss out on this opportunity to prioritize your happiness!

What neurodivergent clients want their therapist to know
This online session aims to equip counsellors with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively support neurodivergent clients based upon research into the lived experiences of neurodivergent clients in therapy.
Join us for insightful discussions,and practical tips that will enhance your counselling practice. There is relatively little research on the direct experiences of neurodivergent clients in therapy and Silja Turville is a neurodivergent therapist and coach who specialises in working with neurodivergent clients.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your skills and make a difference in the lives of those you support!

Finding the best school for your child with additional support needs
The reality in the UK is that it can be hard to know what kind of school to look for and the perfect school does not always present itself around the corner. This can leave parents worrying about the process so much it is hard to take action.
Join us for expert advice and insights on finding the right educational environment based upon what you know from what already works and does not work for your child.
We are additional support needs experts and Silja Turville who is leading the webinar has many years of experience in finding educational settings for individual learners. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and connect with others facing similar challenges. Register now and secure your spot!

The neurodivergence affirming approach to the holiday season microwebinar
Join us for an online event where we will explore ways to make the holiday season easier by addressing the supports and adjustments you can make to reduce executive function overload, manage energy levels, reduce social anxiety and social hangovers and avoid sensory overload.
Kate Champion (ADHD coach) and Silja Turville (neurodivergence affirming therapist and coach) will share tips and strategies for creating a welcoming and understanding environment during this festive time of year. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to create a neurodivergence affirming plan for yourself!

Workshop series: Supporting Neurodivergence in the Workplace
This workshop series is for 1 hour per week online and covers how to create a neurodivergence friendly working environment including how to:
support neurodivergence in the hiring process
understand the impact of neurodivergence on individuals and the organisation
identify whether colleagues need additional support or flexibility to work in ways that better suit them
discuss adjustments and challenges, for example, using non-violent communication
what organisational adjustments can be useful
The series is for HR professionals, team leaders and anyone with an interest in supporting neurodivergence in the workplace.
Sessions take place from 11am to 12pm on Wednesdays starting on 20th September 2023 and take place every week finishing on 11th October 2023.

6 week small group programme: find your child's next school or college
This small group interactive workshop programme for 1 hour per week online takes you through the steps our professional school search team takes to find the most suitable schools for a SEND learner so that you can do this yourself in the most effective and time efficient way.
We take you through figuring out what your child needs, how to evidence this, how to create a longlist of relevant schools, creating your individual shortlist and how to go about accessing a placement.
We cover how you might wish to adapt your EHCP and how to apply for one if needed.
By the end you will have a personalised action plan to move forward.
Workshop dates are weekly from 12th September to 17th October inclusive.
The workshop series costs £425 including VAT and is limited to 4 families per programme.

Webinar: Supporting Neurodivergent Colleagues
This is a 1 hour online webinar for HR professionals and team leaders regarding how to best support neurodivergence in the workplace. We will cover what neurodivergence is including the key neurotypes such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia and dyspraxia, and how these can impact individuals at work, the benefits of being a neurodivergent friendly organisation and how to be a neurodivergence supportive team and organisation.

Finding a school for your learner with SEND
If you are worrying or struggling with finding the next school or college for your learner with SEND this 1 hour webinar will go through how to figure out and evidence what you need, how to create a comprehensive list of all relevant settings and then develop a bespoke shortlist and have the best chance of accessing a place.

6 week small group programme: find your child's next school or college
This small group interactive workshop programme for 1 hour per week online takes you through the steps our professional school search team takes to find the most suitable schools for a SEND learner so that you can do this yourself in the most effective and time efficient way.
We take you through figuring out what your child needs, how to evidence this, how to create a longlist of relevant schools, creating your individual shortlist and how to go about accessing a placement.
We cover how you might wish to adapt your EHCP and how to apply for one if needed.
By the end you will have a personalised action plan to move forward.
The workshop series costs £425 including VAT and is limited to 4 families per programme.

Finding a school for your learner with SEND
If you are wondering about whether your child is in the right school or college this webinar is for you.
We talk through how to find the most appropriate options and how you might consider working with your child’s existing setting.
A senior educational adviser from our team will share how we go about finding the right settings for clients and what might be needed to secure the placement.
We will cover EHCPs and transition support with opportunities to ask questions as we go along.
This is an online webinar and serves as a good introduction for those planning to attend our six week workshop on finding a school for your SEND learner.
£20 per place.

Finding a school or college for a SEND learner
In this course, you will have 6, 1 hour sessions online with one of our senior education advisory team specialists. In a small group, with a maximum of 4 families, we will talk you through the process of finding your child’s next school or college setting.
We will support you in working out what your child needs, how to evidence these needs, consider how to approach the EHCP process if needed, the type of school to look for, where to look and how to narrow down the list.
You will be supported by our team throughout the process and be able to ask questions, troubleshoot and also to know that you are not alone.
The course takes place at 12pm for 6 weeks from Tuesday 28th February, for one hour over Microsoft Teams. It costs £425 including VAT per family.
Email us to ask any questions you have at and book here

ADHD at Work (online event)
Our lunchtime workshop discusses what ADHD at work can look and feel like, how to use your strengths and access the right support.