Navigating school attendance difficulties
When school or college attendance is an issue, it can be hugely stressful for all involved and can be multi-faceted with a variety of needed supports required. We go through what can help if you are stuck and what we recommend doing if a learner is out of school.
Continous traumatic stress in parents and carers
Parents and carers can experience continuous traumatic stress during their advocacy for their child’s support. However, what helps may be different from what is shared about post-traumatic stress. We offer a few ideas and suggestions that may be useful.
Parent carer mental health
Read our interview with Joanna Griffin who has been researching parent carer emotional wellbeing, the positive and negative impact of parenting a disabled child and what we can do to help ourselves. Joanna also shares what kinds of support she thinks should be available to parents.
Returning to full time school after Covid
Many families report to us that parents, carers and/or learners are anxious about the return to school. Find out about our top tips for making the return more manageable.